Andrea Vedaldi
Andrea Vedaldi, Ph.D.
Visual Geometry Group
Information Engineering Building 30.05

I am Professor of Computer Vision and Machine Learning and a co-lead of the VGG group at the Engineering Science department of the University of Oxford. I research computer vision and machine learning methods to understand the content of images and videos automatically, with little to no manual supervision, in terms of semantics and 3D geometry. I am also the leading author of the VLFeat and MatConvNet computer vision and deep learning libraries.

If you are looking for a PhD (DPhil) or postdoctoral (PDRA) position, please see here.


AWS AWS Research Award (led by Christian Rupprecht and Stan Szymanowicz).
BMVC 2021 best student paper award.
ERC The new ERC Consolidator Grant UNION will support high-risk high-impact research on fundamental problems in computer vision and machine learning, with a special focus on learning to understand images and videos in 3D and without manual supervision. By allowing to focus on core research questions, ERC grants support important research that would hardly be possible otherwise (see also my previous ERC StG grant project IDIU).
I am now (Full) Professor of Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
SIGMM ACM Test of Time award.
If you are seeking PhD position in computer vision or artificial intelligence in general, consider the ELLIS PhD Programme 2020/21.
AWS AWS Research Award AWS Research Award (led by Yuki Asano and Christian Rupprecht).
CVPR 2020 best paper award.
I am now part time a research scientist in Facebook AI Research London.

Research highlights More projects...

Unsupervised perception (UNION) is an ERC-sponsored research project and on unsupervised computer vision systems. The grant was awarded on December 2020 and started in May 2022.

UNION is conducted in an ethically-responsible manner. Plase see the Ethics Hub for more information.
